Agenda for 2025 is under preparation.
Agenda 2024
08:30 | Registration of participants |
08:30 | Welcome Refreshments (in front of Crystal hall) |
08:55 | Programme and Organizing Committee Meeting |
09:00 | CONFERENCE OPENING (hall Crystal A & B):
09:30 | PLATINUM SPONSOR: KASPERSKY „Kaspersky Overview @Smart eGovernment” Srđan Gligorić, Enterprise Account Manager West Balkans, Kaspersky |
09:50 | GOLD SPONSOR: MUEHLBAUER „Muehlbauer Smart Seamless Travel Corridor“ Jasmina Simić, Solution Architect, Muehlbauer |
10:10 | COMTRADE SYSTEM INTEGRATION „AI in the service of state administration„ Milena Pavlović, Key Account Manager Public sector, Comtrade System Integration Anđela Mihajlović, Developer, Comtrade System Integration |
10:30 | ASEE „Next-Gen e-Archive: AI, Cloud, and Security for Enhanced Document and Record Management„ Stanko Dašković, Team Leader Dedicated Solutions, ASEE |
10:50 | HUAWEI „Accelerating Smart & Cognitive Public Services„ Hong-Eng KOH, Global Chief Public Services Industry Scientist, Huawei |
11:20 | IBIS SOLUTIONS „Cost Savings and Transparency in e-Government through ITIL-Aligned Asset Management“ Milica Cvitkovac, Client Solution Manager, Ibis Solutions |
11:40 | Break – coffee and snacks (in front of Crystal hall) |
12:00 | PANEL I: “Technological Evolution of Public Administration through New Directions and Practices in Serbia and the Region” Moderator: Slobodan Marković, UNDP |
1) Radoslav Nastasijevikj Vardjiski, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Digital Transformation (N. Macedonia) |
13:00 | EIM – ENTERPRISE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT „Solutions for Digital Transformation and Paperless Operations for Government Institutions and Enterprises“ Zlatko Dubljanin, Executive Director and Co-Owner, EIM d.o.o.. |
13:20 | ENEL PS “Energy-Efficient Cooling in Data Centers” Srđan Jovanović, Leading Cooling Service Engineer, Enel PS |
13:40 | SERBIAN BUSINESS REGISTERS AGENCY “eRegistration at the SBRA – New Experiences and New Services” Katarina Nikolić, Assistant Registrar for Business Entities at the SBRA |
14:00 | THE OFFICE FOR IT AND eGOVERNMENT “National AI Platform – Capacity of the Existing Supercomputer and Plans for Further Expansion” Bogdan Stešević, Head of the Service Quality and AI Development Group |
14:20 | Coffee Break (in front of Crystal hall) |
14:35 | PANEL II: “Cybersecurity Perspectives: Between Regulation and Practice” Moderator: Slobodan Marković, UNDP |
1) Milan Vojvodić, Head of Regulatory Affairs, Information Society and Information Security Sector, Ministry of Information and Telecommunications |
15:20 | DATA CLOUD TECHNOLOGY “National Data Center: Security and Infrastructure for the Future” Boban Mihailović, Assistant Director, Office for IT and e-Government, Sector for National Data Centers |
15:40 | Lunch Break (Sala Crystal C) |
VENUE: Hyatt Regency hotel, Belgrade | |
NOTES: Organizer retains the right to change the Conference schedule without prior notice. |
- 0930_Kaspersky Overview @Smart eGovernment 2024
- 0950_Muehlbauer Smart Seamless Travel Corridor_SeG2024
- 1010_Comtrade_AI u sluzbi drzavne uprave_SeG2024
- 1030_ASEE_Next-Gen e-Arhiva_AI, Cloud i bezbednost za unapredeno upravljanje dokumentima i arhivskim zapisima_SeG2024
- 1050_Huawei_Accelerating Smart & Cognitive Public Services_SeG2024
- 1120_Ibis Solutions_Cost Savings and Transparency in e-Government through ITIL-Aligned Asset Management_SeG2024
- 1300_EIM_Resenja za digitalnu transformaciju i poslovanje bez papirne dokumentacije za drzavne institucije i preduzeca_SeG2024
- 1320_Enel PS_Energetski efikasno hladenje u Data Centrima_SeG2024
- 1340_APR_eRegistracija u APR – nova iskustva i nove usluge_SeG2024
- 1400_Kancelarija za IT i eUpravu_Nacionalna VI platforma – Kapaciteti postojeceg superracunara i planovi za dalje prosirenje_SeG2024
- 1520_DCT_Drzavni data centar_Sigurnost i infrastruktura za buducnost_SeG2024